本中心以整合颱風研究人力與設備,從事颱風相關之基礎研究,並以臺灣獨特地理位置之颱風議題為研究重點。透過發展突破性颱風研究所需之平台、加強國內與國際間合作,促進颱風研究相關學術交流活動,同時培育研究人才,加速推動國內颱風研究發展,成為具領導地位之國際級尖端研究中心。 颱風研究中心透過一系列基礎紮實的研究工作,深入探索颱風學理,並將學術成果加以應用,有效改善颱風分析/預報,以期對於科學本質及社會民生皆能有具體貢獻與回饋。 The Typhoon Research Center (TRC) of National Taiwan University (NTU) was officially founded in January 2009. Its vision is to establish an international top-notch research center in Taiwan. The major themes of the TRC are “Targeted observation”, “Numerical simulation and data assimilation of typhoons”, “Typhoon dynamics”, “Typhoon-ocean interactions”, “Orographic effects on typhoons”, “Typhoon rainbands, orographic precipitation, and mesoscale processes”, and “Typhoon-climate interaction”.
The missions of the TRC include the following:
It is expected that the series of solid and fundamental research conducted in the TRC would not only advance our understanding of typhoons but also have critical and positive impacts on typhoon analysis/forecasting. Moreover, it is hoped that these efforts can make significant contributions both to our society and to future academic research.